This is the sister site to the main one.
This is where we host our accredited educational courses that KICKBOXING GB offer to our members.
Some are live, face to face, taught courses and some you can do in the comfort of your own living room via our online learning platform.
ICC Level 1

This coaching course is designed to give instructors and assistant instructors an overview and the relevant tools & basic structure of running a Martial Arts Club, Class and Session within the KICKBOXING GB Organisation.
A KGB Instructor or Teacher will be a person who has achieved a level of technical competence in Martial Arts to a minimum of 1st Dan or its equivalent and also passed our ICC L1 Coaching Assessment.
There are complete modules on Safeguarding, Anatomy & Physiology, Movement Mechanics and of course, KICKBOXING GB Policies & Procedures.
There are multiple assessments throughout the course. It’s not a show up and get a certificate, we pride ourselves on good information being transferred through our organisation.

All Knowledge means Self Knowledge
KICKBOXING GB is committed to providing a pathway of education for the Kickboxer. More specifically, the KICKBOXING GB member, be it a new student, an upcoming instructor, an already established instructor/coach that maybe wishes to progress their Martial Arts career and expand upon their knowledge.
We believe in Continued Development of a human being and certainly see the benefits of the sports person in terms of avoiding becoming stale and hitting reversibility with training and teaching.
Education provides us with knowledge about the world. It paves the way for a good career. It helps build character. It leads to enlightenment. It lays the foundation of a stronger nation. Education makes a person complete.

What People are Saying

“A Great Course”
“The Level 1 Coaching Course opened my eyes to a very well documented organisation.“
Claire Davies.

“My HIPS!”
“The movement’s I learned to protect my hips for continual Kickboxing with the BioMechanics Modules are second to none “
Michael Kyzirakos.

“Another successful experience”
“This is the 3rd Course we’ve run with WAKO and Mr Edwards.
Matt. Nottingham.

“Education for Martial Artists. Partnered with Universal Training, the Kettlebell Conditioning Course is Brilliant. Also, being a WAKO member meant it was excellent Value for Money.”
Harry Willis.